Please kindly fill in the following feedback form at the end of your first month with us and whenever you wish afterwards: Your Name (required) Your institute's email (required) What are you learning with us (required) ---Quran Beginners LevelQuran with TajweedHifz ProgrammeQuranic ArabicConvert Programme Please rate from 1 to 5 (1 for very poor and 5 for excellent) How did you find the internet connection during the class? ---12345 Can you see and hear the teacher properly? ---12345 Is the lesson time utilised effectively? ---12345 Is the teacher's explanation of the rules comprehensive? ---12345 Is the teacher's language clear and comprehensive? ---12345 Do you find the website user-friendly? ---12345 Do you find it easy to communicate with the admin regarding the classes and the fees? ---12345 What other courses do you suggest? Do you have any comments/complaints? Δ